Jack Pott$

Attorney at Law

Jack Potts here! You can’t go wrong with me as your lawyer! I always win, and that’s not just because I only take the slam dunk cases! Ask anyone! Doctors, paramedics, tow truck drivers— they all know me by name! Jack Potts: He’s a winner!

Why Choose Me

01.I’m the best!

02.People love me.

03.The insurance companies are my best friends.


Were you recently
injured in an accident?

Don’t do anything! Call Jack Potts before you try and go back to work, settle your claim, or even walk! I can squeeze extra compensation out of anyone! Don’t leave our money on the table! Let Jack Potts take it from here!

Do you need a lawyer who will make you lots of money?!

Then I’m your guy! Jack Potts! Everyone loves me. Insurance companies, doctors, other lawyers— I’m their best friend!

If you want someone awesome to represent you, call me at 1-800-YOU-ARE-WELCOME.

Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10AM-2:15, except for every third week of the month or when I have a tee time.

If there’s a siren in town, Jack Potts is around.

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I did an amazing job for Mr. Pierce! The insurance company settled and I made myself, and Mr. Pierce, lots of money.

Insurance Company Settlement

Who’s the lawyer with the devilishly good looks and with even more ferocity in the courtroom?

Jack Pott$!

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No one in the business makes ambulance chasing look this good.
-Jack Pott$


Jam-Packed with Handsomeness
Able to Make You Lots of Money
Karate Expert
Passion for Cashin’ In
Only Lawyer For You
Top-Tier Fashion Sense
Tremendous Personality
Self-Taught Drummer

Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10AM-2:15, and 3:25-4:10, except for every third week of the month or when I have a tee time. Closed Tuesdays, Fridays, weekends, holidays, the entire month of July, and two weeks during the spring for my birthday.

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Jack Potts gets social

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